<aside> 💡 There will be times when users need to restore to a previous database.

Perhaps a customer was deleted, and there is paperwork that needs to be uploaded. Users can restore to a backup taken when that customer was still on the database, and re-send the paperwork.


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Restore a Backup 📖

  1. Navigate to the Backups Page

    MM_Maint_button (7).jpg

    Maint_List_backup (3).png

  2. Select a Database to Restore

    <aside> 💡 Once on the Backups Screen, users will be able to select which database they wish to restore to their device. Tap the date and time that best corresponds with the timeline.



  3. Restore Selected Database



<aside> 💡 Users will be notified with a popup box that the database was successfully restored. Hit OK on the box to return to the Backups Screen.

