<aside> πŸ’‘ There are two ways to remove items from an inventory: Void and Delete.


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Delete and Void Items πŸ“–

Void Items

<aside> πŸ’‘ When an item is Voided, a line will appear through it on the inventory and reports. The cube will not factor into the totals, but the tag number and item data remain visible.


<aside> πŸ’‘ Navigate to the Item Detail page for the item to be voided. Hit the Delete button at the bottom, and select Void Item from the list.




<aside> πŸ’‘ Enter a Void Reason in the field provided, and hit Save when finished. There will be a line through the item on the inventory.



Delete Items

<aside> πŸ’‘ Removes the tag number and associated item data from the job completely. Allows the tag number to be re-used on the inventory.


<aside> πŸ’‘ Navigate to the Item Detail page for the item to be voided. Hit the β€˜Delete’ button at the bottom, and select Delete Item from the list.

